The Art of Balancing Form and Function: Repairing a Deviated Nose and Septum

By Dr Chris Oosthuizen, ENT Surgeon from Brisbane, Australia 

The nose, often referred to as the “centrepiece of the face”, plays a crucial role in both form and function. A deviated nose and septum can not only affect one’s appearance but also lead to significant breathing difficulties and discomfort.

Form & Function | Brisbane Rhinoplasty | Dr Chris Oosthuizen | East Brisbane, Taringa, Springfield & Ipswich

Dr Chris Oosthuizen, a renowned, highly-skilled ENT surgeon from Brisbane, Australia, harmoniously blends aesthetic principles with functional outcomes when repairing a deviated nose and septum.

This article explores the importance of addressing both form and function in nasal reconstruction. With strong expertise and a commitment to comprehensive care, Dr Oosthuizen achieves optimal results for his facial plastic surgery patients in Brisbane, Australia. 

Understanding Deviated Nose and Septum 

A deviated nose occurs when the nasal structure, including the bones and or cartilage, is asymmetrically displaced from its natural position, resulting in an uneven or crooked appearance.

In many cases, a deviated nose is accompanied by a deviated septum. The septum is a wall of cartilage and bone that separates the two nasal passages, and when deviated, it can obstruct airflow and cause breathing difficulties. 

The Impact of Form on Self-Perception

The appearance of the nose plays a significant role in how individuals perceive themselves. A deviated nose can lead to self-consciousness, reduced self-esteem, and psychological distress.

Dr Chris Oosthuizen understands the importance of addressing patients’ aesthetic concerns and works closely with each individual to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses both functional and cosmetic aspects. 

The Importance of Function for Quality of Life

Beyond aesthetics, the function of the nose is crucial for an individual’s overall quality of life. A deviated septum can cause nasal obstruction, leading to breathing difficulties, chronic congestion and obstruction, snoring, and sleep disturbances.

Dr Oosthuizen’s comprehensive approach to nasal reconstruction ensures that optimal function is restored, allowing patients to breathe more freely and comfortably. 

Form and Function: A Harmonious Approach

Dr Chris Oosthuizen’s approach to repairing a deviated nose and septum exemplifies the importance of balancing form and function. He recognises that successful nasal surgery not only corrects the external appearance of the nose but also addresses the internal structural abnormalities that may be causing functional issues. 

The Role of Rhinoplasty in Nasal Reconstruction

Rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the nose, plays a crucial role in repairing a deviated nose.

Dr Oosthuizen employs his precise, artistic skills and surgical expertise to achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing result. Whether correcting a visible hump, refining the nasal tip, or straightening the nasal bridge, Dr Oosthuizen carefully plans each step to enhance overall facial harmony while preserving or improving nasal function. 

Septoplasty for Functional Improvement

In cases where the deviated septum causes breathing difficulties, Dr Oosthuizen may recommend septoplasty combined with Rhinoplasty surgery. This surgical procedure involves straightening and repositioning the septum to improve airflow and alleviate nasal obstruction.

By combining rhinoplasty with septoplasty, Dr Oosthuizen ensures that both the form and function of the nose are addressed simultaneously, leading to a comprehensive and transformative outcome. 

Advanced Techniques for Superior Results

Dr Chris Oosthuizen stays at the forefront of medical advancements and employs state-of-the-art techniques to achieve superior results for his patients. As part of the functional assessment of the nose, a video endoscope is used to visualise the entire nasal cavity.  This often identifies other potential causes for nasal obstruction that may otherwise be missed.  He utilises 3D imaging technology to aid in the discussion regarding any potential changes to the appearance of the nose and to help plan the surgical approach with precision.  During the operation, he now uses Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty to reshape and move the nasal bones to the desired position.  This technique is more precise and associated with less swelling and bruising following surgery.

This personalised approach allows for a deeper understanding of each patient’s unique nasal anatomy, ensuring that the surgical plan is tailored to their specific needs. 

Emphasis on Patient-Centred Care

As an ENT surgeon with a focus on Rhinoplasty surgery, Dr Chris Oosthuizen prioritises patient-centred care. He takes the time to thoroughly understand each patient’s goals, concerns, and medical history.

Passionate about patient-centred care, Dr Oosthuizen creates individualised treatment plans that align with patient expectations and ensure the best possible outcomes. 

In the hands of Dr Chris Oosthuizen, a highly skilled ENT surgeon from Brisbane, Australia, your deviated nose and septum reconstruction becomes an art that balances form with function. His expertise in rhinoplasty and septoplasty, combined with a patient-centred approach, ensures that each patient receives personalised care and achieves their desired aesthetic and functional outcomes.

Dr Oosthuizen’s commitment to excellence and passion for enhancing the lives of his patients make him a trusted authority in the field of nasal surgery.